Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart, and try to love the questions themselves, as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language.
Rainer Maria Rilke

Natalia Ziegler

Cognitive-behavioral therapy and analytic psychotherapy

Austria Russia

Psychotherapist under supervision · 1180 Vienna, Haizingergasse 10 · +43 (660) 517-59-13 · 119017 Moscow, Novokuznetskaya 18/1 · +7 (903) 666-19-29 · [email protected]

My work teaches me to discuss difficult life situations openly, to understand and accept hard feelings, to find the right words to talk about them. I am very grateful to my Clients for their trust, because they share with me the most valuable and important things, which are impossible to discuss with their family or friends. My practice teaches me patience and compassion. I constantly improve my qualifications, continue my education, attending various psychological master classes and seminars, conferences. My education in Vienna gave me the opportunity to meet people who came from all over the world – Ecuador, Jamaica, Costa Rica, Taiwan, China, Iran, Nigeria and many other countries. This allowed me to better understand cultural differences, the difficulties of immigration and adaptation, to see the ways people choose to cope with them, to test different therapeutic techniques and approaches.

About Ψ-therapy

Psychotherapy is a way to understand ourselves - our desires, our limits, our needs. This is a way to look at the relationship with yourself, with the world, with the partner, with children and parents. This is also a way to accept one's disadvantages, accept the imperfection of the world but still enjoy life.

Psychotherapy does not suppose the only "right" way to work with clients, because each person is unique. Due to her character someone prefers psychoanalysis, though the other would feel more comfortable with the popular today cognitive behavioral method.

Psychotherapy can help to find solutions to such difficulties as lack of self-confidence, problems in relationships, loss or bad disease of a loved one, fear of death or getting old, dissatisfaction with life and many others.

Actual inquiries

I use modern, scientifically proven and effective methods of therapy.

I try to be tuned and follow the professional trends: I attend seminars, courses, roundtables, webinars, online conferences.

I'm working with the following inquiries:

  • Personal problems
  • Low self-esteem
  • Relationship problems
  • Painful separation (break up, divorce, loss)
  • Life crises
  • Sadness, melancholy, depression
  • Anxiety
  • Fears, phobias, panic attacks
  • Compulsive behavioral disorders (unwanted repetitive actions and frightening thoughts, inability to make a decision, uncertainty about the decisions made, regret about the decision taken, tendency to accumulate, delaying the necessary tasks and work, delaying the issuance of work results, obsessive washing of hands and premises, fear of infection (dirt) and other symptoms

Methods of therapy

Methods And Principles

I work both with modern cognitive behavioral methods of psychotherapy and analytic psychotherapy.

How do I work
  • The idea of visiting a psychotherapist is often anxious, mostly due to the lack of information on what are these meetings about, what happens during the session, what can be expected from them?
    I'll open the veil of secrecy and tell about it.
  • Any meeting starts with an acquaintance. Both for the therapist and for the client it is extremely important to establish working contact, it is also called an alliance. It is important for the psychotherapist to show (and for the client to make sure) that the space is safe, that he can feel free here, and the therapist is ready to listen and hear. At the first meeting I try to explain what "psychotherapy" means, how I structure my work, tell a few words about myself, my education and experience.
  • If the client doesn't know how to start talking, I can ask a few questions about what's bothering her. Normally it's needed when the trauma is too deep and painful or it was a very difficult decision for a person to seek help.
  • It is important to be very attentive and tactful, but, at the same time, to remain a professional and perform your work nicely. I try to be in a supportive position, but at the same time draw the client's attention to different aspects of the problem, ask questions in such a way as to determine the most likely causes of the situation, note typical reactions for a person, behavioral patterns, judgments about himself, about others and about the world.
  • The idea of the first meeting is also to provide the Client with an interpretation of the situation so that she can see how her behavior, feelings, thoughts, words and actions lead to a situation that is unsatisfactory or painful. Further work can be focused on developing an alternative scenario that can change the Client's behavior strategy.
  • There are some people who can be satisfied with only one session - even one session is enough to reduce the intensity of suffering. However, we should be aware that in this case we can not achieve systemic changes: individual's behavior, emotions and reactions remain the same. It means that a similar situation can happen again and again. Often people do not need real changes - it is enough for them to realize that the alternative exists. But, unfortunately, the quality of life with this awareness does not change.
  • That is why I try to pay special attention to the final stage of the session. I always remind the Client what we have talked about, what conclusions we have come to. Even a single visit to a psychotherapist is already a big step, while changing the situation requires some time and effort.



I follow the "Code of Conduct for Psychotherapists" (The British Psychological Society, 1993; Committee on Ethics, 1988), which requires all professionals to comply with the terms of confidentiality.

A psychotherapist, has an ethical responsibility and has obligations. First of all, he is responsible to the client.

Regardless of whether you choose psychological counseling or psychotherapy, I strictly follow professional rules: the information I hear during the session remains between us.

What does confidentiality mean:

  • All communication between the consultant and the client is kept secret.
  • None of your close relatives or acquaintances will be able to receive oral or written confirmation of your visit and the topics that we discuss at our meetings.
  • The therapist must strictly maintain confidentiality with respect to the client or group. An exception can only be a situation where it is a violation of the law or a danger to the life of the client and other people. In this case, the client is immediately informed of the need for the therapist to violate the principle of confidentiality.


I am undertaking a supervisions from two of my colleagues and teachers:

  • Mag. Dr. Andrea Fahlböck / Head of the institute and psychological practice / http://www.fahlboeck.at/
  • Mag. Doris Pühringer / Institute for Applied Curative Education & Psychotherapeutic Practice / https://apaedo.at/

My supervisions are aimed at facilitating my professional growth and the development of special skills related to developing a reflective and critical attitude towards my professional work, as well as increasing my level of professionalism.

Psychotherapy is one of those professions that require constant education and development, and Supervisors help me to achieve this. I personally think that is an indispensable condition for every professional psychotherapist, regardless of their theoretical approach, to take supervision.

Cost of services

Individual Face-to-face consultation of 50 minutes

(the first meeting can last much longer than 70-90 minutes and will be regulated by an individual request)

€ 70.00
Individual online consultation 50 minutes
€ 70.00

About me

I've been working as a therapist for more than eight years.

All this time I continue to study, because for a practical psychotherapist it is very important: I constantly learn new approaches and methods in the field of psychotherapy.

The mission of a psychotherapist for me is helping my clients to learn how to live a more joyful and full life, to receive and give love, to respect and understand themselves, to accept themselves in all their diversity and contradictions, to find meaning and appreciate life, to overcome crises and difficulties, to cope better with stress, to live a true life.

Complex and painful conditions such as loneliness, fear, despair, grief, anguish, loss, depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, conflicts with family and friends, difficulties in communication, self-doubt, life crises and other severe conditions and problems are easier and more effective to pass and solve together with a psychotherapist. Sometimes it's the only way to reach out to yourself in a crisis.

My values in life are freedom, responsibility, common sense, the ability to love and work. I love poetry, language, literature, art. The therapeutic meaning and role of creativity is akin to magic, miracle and the gift of life. Creativity inspires, soothes, promotes self-expression, gives a boost to self-fulfillment.

I am an active member of the Moscow Analytical Association of Psychotherapists (MAAP), a candidate member ofEuropean Association of Psychotherapists EAP (https://www.europsyche.org) and Austrian Association of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy (https://eabct.eu).

I speak Russian (native), English and German.

Career history

About my experience in general

After graduating from Moscow State University, I worked for a long time in a private clinic as a psychotherapist. The majority of my patients were young people, 20-45 years old, although I also worked with the older clients, 60+ years old. Typical requests I had to deal with were the following: loneliness and difficult relationships (with the other half, partners, spouses, relatives), anxiety disorders, panic attacks, sudden incapacity (physical) as a result of trauma, unexpected pregnancy, the birth of a child with special needs, and so on.

Private practice, Moscow

Consultant psychologist, psychotherapist
January 2013 - Present

Sigmund Freud University Outpatient Ambulance, Vienna, Austria

February 2020 - Present

University Psychiatric Hospital of Tulln, Austria

Psychotherapist (as part of the training practice)
February 2020 - March 2020

Garitas Gruf 2 (shelter for the homeless with accommodation) Vienna, Austria

Consultant (as part of the training practice)
March 2019 - February 2020


I use modern, scientifically proven and effective methods of therapy.

I try to be tuned and follow the professional trends: I attend seminars, courses, roundtables, webinars, online conferences.

  • Certificate of advanced training "Psychotherapy of crises and traumas", "Art therapy, group art therapy"
  • Diploma in Analytical Psychology and Psychotherapy
  • Certificate of completion of training "Psychosomatic psychotherapy"
  • Bachelor's degree
  • Master's degree


Sigmund Freud Private University-Psychotherapeutic Sciences

Bachelor's degree, Master's degree
2017 - 2022

German Institute of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy (Potsdam) and Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis

Certificate of completion of training "Psychosomatic psychotherapy"

Institute of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology

Certificate of advanced training "Psychotherapy of crises and traumas", "Art therapy, group art therapy"

Institute of Psychology at the State University for the Humanities

Diploma in Analytical Psychology and Psychotherapy
2010 - 2012

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow

"Psychological counseling and personality diagnostics"
2009 - 2012

Moscow State University of Service, Moscow

"Finance and Credit"
1995 - 2000


+43 (660) 517-59-13 1180 Vienna, Haizingergasse 10, Austria
+7 (903) 666-19-29 119017 Moscow, Novokuznetskaya 18/1, Russia